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Getting your story to flow is not an easy task and selling your own idea can be hard without the visuals you need. As a writer, producer and director, myself--I found it difficult and not a lot of people willing to assist me. So, I created my own successful story bible and pitch decks and I want to do the same for you.


A One Sheet is a visual summary of your program, television show, event, etc., that describes your targeted information. Oftentimes used in the place of an EPK. Includes: Logline, Synopsis, Setting, Tone and Contact information.


An Electronic Press Kit is a pre-packaged set of promotional materials of a person, company, or organization distributed to members of the media for promotional use.


The story bible includes an EPK as well as a one sheet with character descriptions, series breakdown, potential cast ideas, and comp sheet.


Are you struggling to come up with a well-rounded story to sell your idea? Just send me a message and I will help you out!


This is a secure service and I will gladly sign a NDA regarding your information. Scouts Honor.


Let's create!





dope samples

LSR Bible Snapshot.png
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This is 30 Snapshot.png
Poorly Rich Snapshot.png





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